Resting some more

Got my blood work done again this morning and platelets are up to 18k. Neutrophils are at 0.7k (Dr said that’s good too, he likes them to be above .5). But he’s still going to hold off on any treatment today. I’m getting another shot of filgrastim which is used to help boost white blood cell production and heading home. We’re not sure I’ll get my last dose of chemo. Doc thinks we probably got what we needed out of the 4 doses and the real long term benefits (staving off a relapse) will come from the rituxan (the immunotherapy). I’ll come back on Thursday for more blood work.

I’m still a bit tired and achy but doing alright. Could be a lot worse! My immune system is still compromised right now so I need to be extra careful not to get sick. The worst part of all this is not feeling like I can do things (be social, be active, go out and about). It’s almost like not being able to do things is making me want to do more.